To provide the best customer satisfaction, we provide the following solutions. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the Refund Policy by calling the venue.

Return / Cancel

Sorry, we cannot cancel, refund or give store credit if you change your mind or mistakenly order an item after the order is prepared. You may receive a small courtesy discount in some cases. We cannot provide any refund or store credit for non-food items or beverages. Please contact us for more information.

Bad Food

We take great care and pride in the food we prepare. Please let us know immediately if you receive unsatisfactory food.  We will prepare for you new dishes and make sure they're the best.  If you do not wish to receive a new dish, we may refund the amount to a credit card or we will refund you with a store credit only after we have confirmed the error to the discretion of the manager on duty. 

Dislike The Food

We understand that some things aren’t for everyone and welcome feedback from our customers. In some cases we may offer a small courtesy discount* for your next visit or we may offer you an alternative product in lieu of a refund.

Complimentary Food

Sorry, we cannot provide a refund or cash value on any complimentary food.

As a private business, it is our right to deny or refuse service to any customer for any reason. If a customer abuses any of the Refund Policy we unfortunately will not be able to conduct future business with the customer so that we may continue to provide excellent products and quality service for you and our other wonderful and frequent patrons.


* If 25% or more of the food has been consumed or removed we cannot issue any discount, refund or store credit. If the food has been discarded or tampered with then we cannot verify its origin or issue and cannot issue any discount, refund or store credit.